måndag 26 januari 2015

To hell, back and forth

A update from the weekend. Since I run out of wood I made a short stop at Materialbutiken on Folkungagatan on Friday afterwork. they didn't have 3mm balsa sheets so I got the 5mm instead.
Now I wish that I had used 5mm for all the formers, it's not as fragile and flimsy as the 3mm. But I don't think it's worth the extra work and money, and it wont show when it's finished anyway.

After finishing the formers I started with my personal hell. the doubt you feel when you put the first few strips in place and realise how much work there is ahead. It's much easier to strip plank if the wood is square and can be bent i two directions, but I chose to work with a thin 1mm x10mm pinewood. Since the wood strip only can be bent in one direction I have to cut the inbetweeners to the right shape. Time consuming and patience trying...

When you get this far you can almost feel the light in the end of the tunnel, but in the same time the "why?" always present.

Strip planking is more or less done!
There are a number of ways I could have constructed this shape that probably would have been much easier. For me it's the hard part that makes it worth it, and I also like the not super perfect look that the wood strips create. For me it's almost like the brush strokes on a painting.

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