söndag 22 mars 2015

Konst i Påsk

I have been preparing my robots for the Konst i Påsk exhibition in Söderbärke.
I have been building small boxes with lights and fixing minor things with the robots.

You might wonder whats up with the new paint job? I had an idea that I wanted the robot to have a slight greyish look. I went to the store and they mixed a formula that they said would give the wood a slight grey"drift wood" feel to it. I went home and painted the robot and got a awful dark bluish grey that I didn't like one bit. I started sanding to get rid of the paint, but after hours of sanding I realized that I would have to live with my mistake. It would take too much time to get rid of all the paint. I'm going to leave it in "shabby chic" state that it's in now and I just have to learn to live with the fact that I hate it!

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